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How To Develop JavaScript Skills With Practical Approach And Real Life Projects

Written by Jay Bharadia
Published31 August 2023
Hello Readers, In this article, I am going to share with you my experience in Software Development and guide you on how to develop Javascript Skills with a practical Approach.

So you might be thinking that as a fresher, how can you learn and implement JS Technologies, tools and frameworks as per the company requirements. The Answer to this question is very simple.

  • Be Ready to take Challenges
  • Take Opportunities with Positive Thinking
  • Help your colleagues
  • Ask for work when you have no active tasks
  • Be a Good Listener
  • Read Good Books on Productivity
  • Write Articles on relevant Technology
  • Make YouTube Videos for teaching others

Now i have listed down these points that have really made a difference in my attitude, work profile, thinking and productivity.

Let me share examples for some of the points mentioned above so that you can better understand and relate them to a real-life scenario.

Be Ready to take Challenges

What was the Challenge: As a Fresher, I had to develop a StoryBook for components written in VueJS in a short time. I had beginner-level experience working in Storybook. Now that seems like a challenge for me to achieve the Result.

Somehow I did finished the project and in end it all makes sense when someone says that Take Challenges to grow, Step out of your comfort zone to be successful. I had just experienced this. In this way, By undertaking challenges in your work helps you to learn more, gain good experience, grow in your career, boost your skills and acquire knowledge.

Recently, I finished one project and there were no other tasks remaining. I was free to learn, utilise time and increase productivity. For two days I learnt VUE 3 new features, and some JavaScript concepts. Then I approached my manager asking for any work. That’s how I got a new project to work on, to learn more from this project.

Also in the meantime, i had made a VS code extension CLIPBOARD. I showed my development to my manager. He was impressed and gave me the task of making an Eslint Custom plugin based on JS.

Therefore I was exposed to opportunities and challenges to learn develop my JS Skills help company.

What I learnt from this experience is that When you showcase your skills, your interests, and your strength to your manager, You will expand your Portfolio, enhance your skill set and succeed in your career.

To Conclude

I have shared a few experiences of mine to develop your JS skills with a practical approach. You can learn from this and apply it in your work too.

Thank you


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