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Most Popular Directus Extensions
Written by Jay Bharadia
Published07 March 2024
Web Development
Directus is a powerful and flexible headless CMS that allows developers to build custom content management systems. One of the many benefits of using Directus is the ability to extend its functionality through various extensions.
In this article, I will introduce you to the most popular Directus extensions and explain why they are essential for any Directus project.
Table of contents
1. Computed Interface
- A Directus extension for automatically calculating the value of a field based on other fields of the same item, on the client side.
- Support templating, arithmetic operations. Concat strings, sum, subtract, multiply, modulo, convert to slug, currency, etc.
- Lightweight. No third-party libraries.
- Can be used as an alias field.
- Calculation is performed on the client side, so it would not work if the item is created/updated via direct API calls or hooks.
How to use
- Go to Settings, create a new field with type string or number.
- In the Interface panel, choose Computed interface. There are 8 options:
- Template: Similar to M2M interface, determine how the field is calculated. Learn more about syntax in the next section.
- Field Mode: Choose how the value is displayed.
- null: Default option. Show an input with the computed value but still allow manual editing.
- Display Only: Show the computed value but will not save it to the database. Usually used for alias fields.
- Read Only: Show an input with the computed value and disallow manual editing.
- null: Default option. Show an input with the computed value but still allow manual editing.
- Prefix: a string to prefix the computed value.
- Suffix: a string to suffix the computed value.
- Custom CSS: a JSON object for inline style binding. Only works with Display Only and Read Only mode. You can use this option to customize the appearance of the computed value such as font size, color, etc. Example: {"color": "red", "font-size": "20px"}.
- Debug Mode: Used for debugging the template. It will show an error message if the template is invalid. It will also log to console the result of each component of the template.
- Compute If Empty: Compute the value if the field is empty. This is useful if you want a value to be computed once such as the created date or a unique ID.
- Initial Compute: Compute the value when opening the form. This is useful if you want to compute a value based on the current date or other dynamic values.
- Template: Similar to M2M interface, determine how the field is calculated. Learn more about syntax in the next section.
2. Display Link
- Select any field type which has input.
- Go to Display section
- Type ( Benefits )
- URL -> open in new tab shortcut
- Telephone -> dial phone number shortcut
- Email -> open email shortcut
- Copy to clipboard
- URL -> open in new tab shortcut
- Prefix & Suffix option
- show +91 for mobile number or https for url
- show +91 for mobile number or https for url
3. Masked Interface
How to use
- Create new standard field with string type.
- For interface select Input Mask and pick a masking type.
- Template - simplified templating pattern
- RegEx - uses regular expression for defining the pattern
- Presets
- Email
- IP Address (IPv4 templating pattern)
- MAC Address (MAC address template using : as separators)
4. Currency Interface
How to use
- Go to Settings, create a new field with type string or number.
- In the Interface panel, choose Currency interface. There are 2 options:
- Prefix: A string that will be prepended to the formatted value.
- Suffix: A string that will be appended to the formatted value.
- Prefix: A string that will be prepended to the formatted value.
5. API Trigger Interface
How to use
- Go to Settings, create a new field with type alias.
- In the Interface panel, choose API Trigger interface. There are 2 options:
- Layout: Display the button list vertically or horizontally.
- Triggers: A list of trigger.
- Label: label of the button
- Size: size of the button
- Type: style of the button
- Icon: icon of the button
- URL: API endpoint
- Method: Method of the API call
- Reload: If enabled, reload the browser if call succeeded
- Disabled Conditions: disable the button if the conditions are met.
- Layout: Display the button list vertically or horizontally.
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